

Address: Lakunu Str. 4, LT-77103 Siauliai
Tel. (+370 41) 54 22 15
E-mail: [email protected]
Registration code 145907544
VAT code LT459075415
Data are collected and stored
in the Register of Legal Entities


Aviation Security Department

Vytautas Navickas
Tel.: +370 41 542215
Cell Ph.: +370 682 21943
E-mail: [email protected]


Ground OPS Duty manager of Aviation Security Department

Mindaugas Brazas
Tel.: +370 41 557039
Cell Ph.: +370 655 93147
E-mail: [email protected]



Commercial Manager

Karolis Mileris
Tel.: +370 41 54 2215
Cell Ph.: +370 660 89595
E-mail: [email protected]




Aurelija Kuezada
Tel.: +370 41 542215
Cell Ph.: +370 610 24421
E-mail: [email protected]


Manager of Public Procurement and IT Projects of Aviation Security and Operations Departmen

Aerodrome Safety Manager

Arunas Venckus
Tel.: +370 41 542215
Cell Ph.: +370 655 93146
E-mail: [email protected]


Chief specialist, Mechanic of Aviation Security Department

Rimvydas Petrauskas
Tel.: +370 41 542215
Cell Ph.: +370 615 79747
E-mail: [email protected]






Irena Sendzikiene
Tel.: +370 41 542215
Cell Ph.: +370 698 41883
E-mail: [email protected]


Chief Specialist, Responsible for the Fuel Products Warehouse of Aviation Security Department

Marius Nemeiksis
Tel.: +370 41 542215
Cell Ph.: +370 640 37152
E-mail: [email protected]


Data Protection Officer

SC "Teisės labirintai"
Cell Ph.: +370 630 17959
Address: K. Petrausko g. 13A-6, LT-44155 Kaunas
E-mail: [email protected]